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  • Shows prices, movements, market capitalization and other key indicators for selected stocks, keeping you up-to-date on asset movements and related indicators.
  • Data is automatically updated every 15 minutes.

Configuration process

  1. On the Mini Dock, go to Settings >>> Application Settings.
  2. Access the URL displayed on the screen on your web browser: Please do not leave this page while configuring.(Note: Make sure your computer and your Mini Dock is on the same network.)
  3. Query the stocks you want to display.

  4. Enter the stock code according to the format(Stock Code:Exchange) in the webpage.(Take NVDA as an example: NVDA:NASDAQ).

    • Find "NVDA" in Yahoo finance,Choose the right exchange, and Get stock code: NVDA:NasdaqGS
    • Find "NVDA" in Google Finance,Choose the right exchange, and Get stock code: NVDA:NASDAQ
  5. Click "Save Config".

  6. Re-enter the app.