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How to Use Vobot Mini Dock Simulator

Development Environment on MacOS

Prepare the XWindows on MacOS

  • In order to show X11 windows with Docker on Mac:
  • Go to⁠ and download latest XQuartz-2.x.x.pkg, install it;
  • Launch "". a "xterm" window should pop up, you can ignore or close it;
  • Under the XQuartz menu -> Settings. Go to the "Security" tab and ensure "Allow connections from network - clients" is checked.
  • Uncheck the "Authenticate connections", then restart; Allow X11 forwarding from any clients: Open Mac's Terminal App, "run xhost +"

Run Simulator and Debug the Apps

  • Open a Terminal software (e.g. Terminal, or iTerm2 on MacOS), then run:
    mkdir -p ~/work/minidock
    cd ~/work/minidock
    docker run \
        --rm -it \
        -v ./disk:/work/disk \
        -p 80:80 \
  • If the 80 port is occupied, you can change the port mapping: -p 8080:80
  • If all of the above steps were completed successfully, a "LVGL Simulator" X window should open on your host which is forwarding from the container;
  • The console logs output can be found on the terminal. Use Ctrl-C to stop running;
  • You can edit the ./disk/apps/hello_world/, and re-run the docker run ... command to reload and debug your apps;
  • You can visit http://localhost⁠ to edit the configuration, or modify the ./disk/conf/*.json files.
  • Operation description:
    • Enter Key: Confirmation
    • Escape Key: Cancel
    • Left Arrow Key: Coder rotate counterclockwise
    • Right Arrow Key: Code clockwise rotating clockwise

Development Environment on Linux (e.g. Ubuntu)

Prepare the XWindows on Linux

  • If you have not installed the X server on your Linux host, you need to install it first:
    sudo apt install -y xorg xinit
  • Then, ensure the X server is running: ps aux | grep X
  • The X server typically disables TCP connections by default. To enable them, you need to modify the X server startup options. Edit the Xorg configuration file: sudo nano /etc/X11/xinit/xserverrc
  • Find the line that starts with exec /usr/bin/X and modify it to: exec /usr/bin/X -listen tcp "$@"
  • Save and exit the editor. Restart your X session for changes to take effect. After restarting X, try the telnet command again: telnet 6000
  • On the Linux host, run: xhost +, which allows X11 forwarding from any clients

Run Simulator and Debug the Apps

  • Run this on terminal:
    mkdir -p ~/work/minidock
    cd ~/work/minidock
    docker run \
        --rm -it \
        -v ./disk:/work/disk \
        --network=host \
  • If all of the above steps were completed successfully, a small X window should open on your Linux's screen;
  • The console logs output can be found on the terminal. Use Ctrl-C to stop running;
  • You can edit the ./disk/apps/hello_world/, and re-run the docker run ... command to reload and debug your apps;
  • You can visit http://localhost⁠ to edit the configuration, or modify the ./disk/conf/*.json files.
  • If the 80 port is occupied, you can skip the --network=host option, and change the port mapping: -p 8080:80
    docker run \
        --rm -it \
        -v ./disk:/work/disk \
        -p 8080:80 \
        --add-host host.docker.internal:host-gateway \
  • Operation description:
    • Enter Key: Confirmation
    • Escape Key: Cancel
    • Left Arrow Key: Coder rotate counterclockwise
    • Right Arrow Key: Code clockwise rotating clockwise

Development Environment on Windows (WSL2)

Install WSL2

1. Check System Version

  • Ensure your Windows version supports WSL2: Windows 10 version 1903 or later, or Windows 11.

2. Enable WSL and Virtual Machine Platform

  • Run PowerShell as an administrator and execute the following commands:
    dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart
    dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart
  • Restart your computer.

3. Install Linux Kernel Update Package

4. Set WSL 2 as the Default Version

wsl --set-default-version 2
- If you have already installed a WSL distribution, please switch the version to version 2.
wsl --set-version <distribution_name> 2

5. Install a Linux Distribution

  • Search for and install Ubuntu from the Microsoft Store.

6. Initialize the Linux Distribution

  • Open the installed Linux distribution and set up a username and password.

7. Check WSL Version

wsl -l -v

Install X Server

  • Download and install VcXsrv.
  • Configure VcXsrv: Run XLaunch, select Multiple windows and Start no client, and check Disable access control.

Install Docker

  • Execute the following command in WSL2 to install dorker.
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo apt install -y
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
    newgrp docker

Run Emulator in WSL2

  • Run this on WSL2 terminal:

    export DISPLAY="" # Windows host address
    mkdir -p /mnt/d/work/minidock
    cd /mnt/d/work/minidock
    docker run \
        --rm -it \
        -v $(pwd)/disk:/work/disk \
        --network=host \
        -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY \

  • If all of the above steps are completed successfully, a small X window will open on your computer screen;

  • The console logs output can be found on the terminal. Use Ctrl-C to stop running;
  • You can edit the D:/work/minidock/disk/apps/hello_world/, and re-run the docker run ... command to reload and debug your apps;
  • You can visit http://localhost⁠ to edit the configuration, or modify the ./disk/conf/*.json files.
  • Operation description:
    • Enter Key: Confirmation
    • Escape Key: Cancel
    • Left Arrow Key: Coder rotate counterclockwise
    • Right Arrow Key: Code clockwise rotating clockwise