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Button Event

  • When operating buttons and encoders, LVGL will generate lv for the currently focused control EVENT KEY events and corresponding key codes, the key codes corresponding to different operations are as follows:
Operation LVGL key code
Encoder rotates clockwise(down) lv.KEY.LEFT
Encoder rotates counter-clockwise(up) lv.KEY.RIGHT
Press encoder lv.KEY.ENTER
Press the ESC button lv.KEY.ESC
  • Example
    def event_handler(e):
        e_key = e.get_key()
        if e_key == lv.KEY.RIGHT:
        elif e_key == lv.KEY.LEFT:
        elif e_key == lv.KEY.ENTER:
        elif e_key == lv.KEY.ESC:
    scr.add_event(event_handler,  lv.EVENT.ALL, None)